Ana Abilities

Biotic Rifle
Long-range rifle that heals allies and damages enemies. Hold to zoom in.

Sleep Dart
Fires a dart that puts an enemy to sleep.

Biotic Grenade
Throws a grenade that heals and increases healing on allies, while damaging and preventing healing on enemies.

Nano Boost
Increases an ally's damage, while reducing damage taken.
Ana Difficulty - Hard
Relative to all Overwatch 2 heroes, Ana is Hard to be effective with.
Ana's Biotic Rifle, Sleep Dart, and to a lesser extent Biotic Grenade all require precision to be effective with her. In contrast, you can be effective with most other Supports with much less mechanical skill.
Ana Tier Rating - C-tier
We rate Ana as a C-tier Support hero in the current Overwatch 2 meta (among possible tiers of S, A, B, C, and D).
Ana can make big impact plays by sleeping Ulting enemies and getting crucial Biotic Grenades on allies and/or enemies at the right moments.
Unfortunately for Ana lovers, other Supports have abilities that are more consistently impactful (like Lúcio's Speed Boost and Kiri's Suzu). Other Supports, such as Moira, Kiriko, and Baptiste, can also pump out more consistent heals and damage.
Ana's also taken a big hit now that Kiriko's Suzu cleanses the anti-heal effect of Ana's Biotic Grenade.
Check out our Overwatch Hero Tier List
The following FAQ answers the most common questions about Ana:
What is Ana's Real Name?
Ana's real name is Ana Amari (أنا عماري)
How Old is Ana?
Ana is 60 years old.
When was Ana born?
Ana's birthday is on January 1st.
Where is Ana from?
Ana is from Egypt.