Mei Abilities

Endothermic Blaster
Short-range spray weapon that slows enemies. Long-range icicle launcher.

Become invulnerable and heal yourself.

Ice Wall
Create a wall in front of you.

Launch a weather control drone that freezes enemies in a wide area.
Mei Difficulty - Medium
Relative to all Overwatch 2 heroes, Mei is Medium difficulty to be effective with.
Mei Tier Rating - B-tier
We rate Mei as a B-tier Damage hero in the current Overwatch 2 meta (among possible tiers of S, A, B, C, and D).
Mei's Ice Wall, which can be used to block off enemies from the rest of their teammates, can make Mei a good situational on tight maps with chokes. However, Mei was better when she could completely freeze enemies with her primary fire.
Check out our Overwatch Hero Tier List
Mei Tips
- While Ice Wall can delay the entire enemy team, it's often best used to separate one enemy from the rest of their team for an easy elimination.
The following FAQ answers the most common questions about Mei:
What is Mei's Real Name?
Mei's real name is Mei-Ling Zhou (周美灵)
How Old is Mei?
Mei is 33 years old.
When was Mei born?
Mei's birthday is on September 5th.
Where is Mei from?
Mei is from China.