What is MIT in Overwatch 2? (MIT Explained)

The switch to Overwatch 2 from the original Overwatch introduced a new stat to the leaderboard. The stat, abbreviated “MIT,” left many OW2 players wondering what it means.
This guide explains what MIT means in the popular shooter.
What Does MIT Mean in Overwatch 2
“MIT” in Overwatch 2 stands for “Mitigated Damage”. It tracks how much damage that could have been dealt by the enemy team was blocked or reduced by a player.
Some of the most obvious examples of damage mitigation are Reinhardt and Brigitte blocking enemy damage with his shields, DVA “eating” damage with her Defense Matrix, Genji Deflecting projectiles, and Baptiste using his Immortality Field to prevent damage. However, there are far some far less obvious ways that Tanks, DPS, and Supports can all add to their MIT stat in Overwatch 2.
For instance, Hero abilities that reduce damage taken, like Orisa‘s Fortify, Roadhog‘s Take a Breather, and Ana‘s Nano Boost, all contribute to MIT. Bizarrely, even the health you get back after “traveling back in time” with Tracer‘s Recall counts towards mitigated damage.
Is MIT Important?
Now that you know what MIT stands for, you’re probably asking, “Is MIT important?”
My short answer would be “maybe,” “sometimes,” or “it can be.” So, let’s discuss this in more depth.
MIT is probably the least useful stat on the leaderboard for indicating how well a player performed.
If you’re a Reinhardt spending the game shielding yourself while your teammates Tracer, Soldier, Lucio, and Kiriko zip around, it doesn’t matter how much damage you mitigated.
MIT isn’t the only stat that can be misleading. You could spend most of your time on DPS shooting the enemy Tank without really threatening to kill it. However, this example at least forces the enemy tank to monitor its health. The enemy Supports are also forced to heal the tank rather than heal other teammates or deal damage. By contrast, the Reinhardt in the previous example is completely useless despite tallying up MIT.
For some heroes, however, MIT has a higher correlation with how well you played. For example, a Zarya with a high MIT most likely had high energy on her Particle Cannon.
As with all stats, MIT only tells part of the story:
- Zarya might have had a high MIT, which led to them being high energy throughout the game on their Particle Cannon, but was that Zarya “bubbling” themselves when an ally needed to be protected instead?
- Lucio may have a high MIT from his Sound Barrier, but was he using it at the right times?
- Was DVA blocking damage only while diving at the enemy, or was she peeling for her teammates when she needed to?
With all this said, it’s usually better to have more mitigated damage than less. However, I’d recommend focusing more on whether you’re playing a good pick for your team composition and using your abilities well.
Who are the Best Heroes to Get High MIT?
As mentioned above, we wouldn’t focus on mitigating a high amount of damage for the sake of it Nevertheless, you may need MIT to complete a challenge in Overwatch 2.
For that, the best heroes are tanks, specifically tanks with shields. DVA is another great hero for mitigating a lot of damage.
As far as Supports go, Brigitte is likely the easiest way to mitigate damage.
What are All the Leaderboard Stats
Here is an explanation of the other game leaderboard stats:
- E stands for Eliminations (kills).
- A stands for Assists.
- D stands for Deaths.
- DMG stands for Damage.
- H stands for Healing.
- MIT stands for Mitigated Damage.
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